


NameChangsheng Peng

BirthAnhui, China, 27 of Oct., 1972

Add:College ofEnvironmental Science and Engineering,

OceanUniversityof China,Qingdao 266100, P.R. China

Telephone+86-532-66782011(office) Fax+86-532-66782011



·09/199904/2003Doctor, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China

·09/199307/1996Master, ChinaUniversity of Mining and Technology, China

·09/198907/1993Bachelor, AnhuiUniversity of Science and Technology, China


·08/200801/2009Visiting Professor,Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, Mexico

·06/2005Professor, Ocean University ofChina, China

·04/200304/2005 Postdoctoral,Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, Mexico

·08/199612/1996Visiting Investigator, NationalInstitute of Industrial Engineering, Japan

·07/199608/1999Engineer,Hangzhou Environmental Protection Institute, China


·Member of American Chemical Society (No.30056532)

·National Investigator of Mexico (No.32566) http://www.conacyt.mx/SNI/Publica_Resultados_2da.pdf

·Review Board of Science JournalsInternational http://www.scientificjournals.org/editorial_board.htm

·Member of The Chinese Society of Theoreticaland Applied Mechanics

·Senior Member of Shandong Society for EnvironmentalSciences(No. S293720095S)


·11/200911th Tiantai Award for Talented Teachers

·01/2009New Century Excellent Talents in University in 2008, SEM, China

·12/2008Excellent People of Qingdao from Overseas

·06/2007Good Teacher in Teaching Evaluation in 2006


·Electroplatingwastewater treatment with the technology of chemical-electrodialysis(02153847.6)

·The methodand equipment of pure water preparation using the technology ofElectrodeionization(ZL02153843.3)

·A Method for Heavy Metals Recovery fromElectroplating Sludge (200910016243.3)

·Copper Wastewater Treatment by Combinationof Electrolysis and Electrodialysis (200910015568.X)

·A newthief-proof lock for bicycle (ZL98219738.1)

·Abullet-proof lamp for vehicle (ZL98 2 12140.7)

·A kind oftechnology named selective permeable reactive barrier which can be used forseawater intrusion treatment (201210064131.7)

·Solartemperature controlling digester (201210055393.7)

·A methodwhich can make the nitrate pollution groundwater into a useful resource (201210055421.5)

·A methodwhich can prevent nitrate pollution to groundwater (201210096380.4)


1Changsheng Peng*, Ruijie Jin,Guangyu Li , Fasheng Li, Qingbao Gu, Recovery of nickel and water fromwastewater with electrochemical combination process, Separation andPurification Technology, 2014, 136:42-49.

2Min Dai, Changshang Peng*, Wei Zheng, JialaiWang, Xin Qian, Exploration for the Technology of Tradition Building Materialsand Consolidation Mechanism, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014, 548-549: 1689.

3ChangSheng Peng*, Juan O. Almeira,Qingbao Gu, Effect of electrode con?guration on pH distribution and heavy metalions migration during soil electrokinetic remediation, Environmental EarthSciences, 2013, 69: 257-265.

4Changsheng Peng*, Juan O.Almeira, Ahmed Abou-Shady, Enhancement of ion migration in porous media by theuse of varying electric fields, Separation and Purification Technology, 2013, 118: 591–597.

5Wang Jing, Peng Changsheng*, Yang Zhongfu, LiDandan, Wu Yuting, Adsorption and regeneration characteristics of granularadsorbent based on coal fly ash for methylene blue removal, Advanced MaterialsResearch, 2013, 773: 899-906.

6Liyan Wang, MianWang, Changsheng Peng*, Jinfen Pan, Toxic Effects of Nano-CuO, Micro-CuO and Cu2+on Chlorella sp., Journal of Environmental Protection, 2013, 4: 86-91.

7Ahmed Abou-Shady, Changsheng Peng*, New process for exsitu electrokinetic pollutant removal. I: Process evaluation, Journal ofIndustrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2012,18: 2162–2176.

8Juan O. Almeira, Chang-Sheng Peng*, Ahmed Abou-Shady,Simultaneous removal of cadmium from kaolin and catholyte during soilelectrokinetic remediation, Desalination,2012, 300: 1-11.

9Juan O. Almeira, Chang-Sheng Peng*, Ahmed Abou-Shady,Enhancement of ion transport in porous media by the use of a continuouslyreoriented electric field, Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A (AppliedPhysics & Engineering), 2012,13(7): 546-558.

10Ruijie Jin, Changsheng Peng*, Ahmed Abou-Shady,Kedong Zhang, Recovery of precious metal material Ni from nickel containingwastewater using electrolysis, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2012, 164: 263-267.

11You Zhang, Changsheng Peng*, Fengmin Li, Study onoptimal circulation dynamic system and feasibility analysis for a solar biogasdigester, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2012,164: 482-486.

12Ahmed Abou-Shady, Changsheng Peng*, Jingjing Bi, HuizhenXu, Juan Almeria O, Recovery of Pb (II) and removal of NO3?from aqueous solutions using integrated electrodialysis, electrolysis, andadsorption process, Desalination, 2012,286: 304-315.

13Ahmed Abou-Shady, Changsheng Peng*, Juan Almeria O,Huizhen Xu, Effect of pH on separation of Pb (II) and NO3?from aqueous solutions using electrodialysis, Desalination, 2012, 285: 46-53.

14Changsheng Peng, Yanyan Liu,Jingjing Bi, Huizhen Xu, Abou-Shady Ahmed, Recovery of copper and water fromcopper-electroplating wastewater by the combination process of electrolysis andelectrodialysis, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011,189(3):814-820.

15Li, P. P., Peng C. S.?, Li, F. M., Song S. X., Juan A. O., Copper and Nickel Recoveryfrom Electroplating Sludge by the Process of Acid-leaching andElectro-depositing, Int. J. Environ. Res., 2011,5(3): 797-804.

16Jingjing Bi, Changsheng Peng*, Huizhen Xu,Abou-Shady Ahmed, Removal of nitrate from groundwater using the technology ofelectrodialysis and electrodeionization, Desalination and Water Treatment, 2011, 34: 394–401.

17Qingbao Gu, Changsheng Peng, Qian Zhang, FashengLi, Growth effect and accumulation of As on / in two vegetables in three typesof Chinese soil, Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 347-353:048-2053.

18Juan Almeira, Changsheng Peng,*, Panpan Li, Effect ofelectrode configuration on the distribution of Cu during electrokinetic soilremediation. Journal of Korean Society of Urban Environment, 2010, 10(2): 169-177.

19Juan Almeira, Changsheng Peng,*, Zhenyu Wang, Effectof different electrode configurations on the migration of copper ions duringthe electrokinetic remediation process, Asia-Pac.J. Chem. Eng.2009, 4(5)581-585.

20Peng Changsheng, Simulationof Minimum Ice Structure Unit and Quantitive Analysis of Its Effect on WaterProperties, Acta Chimica Sinica2009, 67(16):1936-1942.

21Peng Changsheng, Low G. Kathleen,Zhang Qian, Effects of Water Salinity and Content on Particle Size Distributionand Soil Strength. J.Environ.Sci.Eng.,2009, 3(1): 24-28.

22PengChangsheng, Song Shaoxian, Simulation of minimum ice unit and its effect onwater properties, Surface Review andLetters, 2008, 15(6): 841-846.

23Shaoxian Song, Changsheng Peng, Viscosities of Binary and Ternary Mixtures ofWater, Alcohol, Acetone, and Hexane, Journalof Dispersion Science and Technology2008,29(5):1367-1372.

24ChangshengPeng, Hong Meng, Application of activated zeolite in theadvanced treatment of potable water, J.Water Supply:Res.& Techn., 2007,56(4): 257-262.

25ChangshengPeng, Qingbao Gu, Hong Meng, Shaoxian Song, Effect of hydration film onscanning images of atomic force microscope. J.Uni. Sci. Techn. Beijing,2006, 13(1): 92-96.

26ChangshengPeng, Shaoxian Song, Tomlinson Fort, Study of Hydration Layers near aHydrophilic Surface in Water through AFM Imaging. Surface and Interface Analysis2006, 38(8): 975-980.


1Ahmed Abou-Shady, Huizhen Xu, Changsheng Peng*, Production of purewater suitable for laboratory experiments by electrodialysis technology, The 5th International Conference onBioinformatics and Biomedical Engineerin, May 10-12, 2011, Wuhan China.

2Jingjing Bi, Changsheng Peng*, Huizhen Xu, Treatment of Nitrate-contaminatedgroundwater using the Technology of intermittently Ion-exchange andElectro-regeneration, The 2011International Conference on BioengineeringChemistry and Environment Science BCES 2011), 24-26 June 2011, Nanjing, China.

3ChangshengPeng*, Panpan Li, Jingjing Bi, Qingbao Gu, Heavy Metals Recovery fromElectroplating Sludge by the Multi-Steps of Leaching, Electrodepositing andPrecipitating, The 2011 International Conferenceon BioengineeringChemistry and Environment Science BCES 2011), 24-26 June 2011, Nanjing, China.

4P Li, C Peng*, F Li, 2008,Study on the Treatment of Electroplating Sludge with Electro Technology, The 12th Asian PacificConfederation of Chemical Engineering CongressDalian, China.

5Y Liu, C Peng*, Z Wang, 2008,Recovery of Copper and Recycle of Water for the Cu2+ ContainedWastewater Using the Combined Technique of Electrolysis and Electrodialysis, The 12th Asian PacificConfederation of Chemical Engineering Congress, Dalian, China.

6C.S.Peng, S.X. Song and J.L. Wang,2005“Determination of HydrationFilm Formed on Solid Surface by Using Atomic Force Microscopy”,China International Conference onNanoscience & Technology (ChinaNANO2005), Beijing, 5P-93-165

7S Liu , Q Gu, C Peng, FashengLi, 2005,“Contribution of detergent phosphorus in domestic wastewater of typicalcities in China”, 2005 SWCSAnnual Conference,Soil and Water ConservationSociety.

8Peng C, Song S, 2004.“Ash removal from fine coals by columnflotation”, Memoria deXIIEncuentro Sobre Procesamiento deMinerales, M. Zapata, J. Zapata (Eds.), Universidad Autónoma de San LuisPotosí

9C Peng, S Lu, SSong, H Meng, 2003“A NovalChemical Precipitation Process for Mixed-Electroplating Wastewater Treatment.The 7th International Symposium on East Asian Resources Recycling Technology,Earth2003, Taiwan.